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Print, complete, and send this page with payment to:
Michael's Music Service
4146 Sheridan Drive
Charlotte NC 28205

Thank you for using our order form. Please make as many copies as needed and distribute to any interested organists or friends.

Please include your check or money order with this order form or complete the credit card information.

The Security Code is the last 3 digits on the back of the card for Visa/MC/Disc and the 4 digit number on the front of the card for AE.

Qty Item Price
Shipping for first piece, $5 for US delivery
Shipping for each additional piece, at $1.00 each
International shipping (call or email for amount)
Total enclosed
Name on card Card number (Visa/MC/AE/Disc) Exp
Billing address City, state, ZIP Sec Code
Email to join our list Telephone
Signature Date
Write any special instructions above
Call (704-567-1066) or email us () for help or advice or
for international shipping. We would love to talk to you!